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1. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!

2. When did you get up yesterday morning? 你昨天早上几点起床?

3. They’ve been working on this project since last year. 他们从去年开始一直都在做这个项目。

4. Could you do me a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗?

5. Would you help me remove the refrigerator? 能帮忙移一下冰箱吗?

6. Really? I was introduced to her just last weekend. 真的?上周末我才被介绍给她。

7. What is she doing now? 她现在干些什么呢?

8. She told me she wanted to start a company. 她告诉我她想开公司。

9. Start a company? But I thought she would be a scholar. 开公司?我原以为她会成为一个学者

…… 此处隐藏7424字 ……

13. Do you go on picnics? 你常去郊游吗?

14. I particularly like English literature. 我对英国文学情有独钟。

15. What’s so interesting about football? We girls don’t like it. 足球有什么意思?我们女生不喜欢它。

16. She has a particular interest in painting. 她特别爱好绘画。

17. I often take my mind off my work by reading an interesting novel. 通常我通过阅读小说使我的注意力从工作上转移过来。

18. He plays violin just for enjoyment. 他拉小提琴只是为了自娱自乐。

19. Photography is an expensive hobby. 摄影是门花费很多的爱好。

20. What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜欢什么活动?


