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那天早上一进动物园,我们都迫不及待地往熊山赶,在那里有棕熊和黑熊,它们头抬得好高啊, 像 在那里欢迎我们似的,嘴上还似乎对我们说 :“ 我饿了,我饿了,你们快给我点东西吃吃吧! ” 我急忙拿来一些好吃的扔了下去,只见熊宝宝们抢着,争着三下五除二地咽了下去。还一边 舔 着嘴巴 , 仿佛在说: “ 真好吃,真好吃,我还要啊。 ” 望着熊宝宝们那副滑稽的样子,我们都哭笑不得。看完了熊山,我们来到了虎山,远远望去,凶猛的老虎在山上走来走去,时不时还会叫一声,那样子好象在说,我是动物之王,骄傲得不得了。最后我们去观赏了调皮的猴子,它们有的爬在树上,有的爬在铁丝网上,还不停地打闹着,叫喊着,追赶着。真是山中无老虎,猴子称大王啊。可能因为它们调皮可爱,赢得游客们的喜欢,好多人都把手上的水果和食品喂给它们。

下午我们还一起去了游乐园。先玩了荡秋千和空中漫步,那个旋转伞令我们最兴奋了,服务员先叫我们先坐在位置上,扣上扣子,只听 “ 铃 ――”的一 声,旋转伞就慢慢地飞了起来,在空中越来越快,真是把我们搞得又紧张又刺激。


…… 此处隐藏18678字 ……

I reluctantly waved goodbye to the Great Wall, leaving a bit of regret for a better day.

Next stop, Olympic park.

Do you believe that everyone remembers the exciting Olympic Games in xx? Remember, China's difficulties in bidding for the Olympic Games; Remember, every Chinese was overjoyed when the bid was successful; Remember, the Olympic stadium construction of the heat; Remember, “one world, one dream”; Remember, the Olympic torch is burning in the yellow land; Remember, the opening ceremony sparkle the fireworks of the ancient capital of six dynasties; Remember, the Chinese athletes won the gold medal table; Do you remember... This is undoubtedly an exciting memory.

This day, the bird's nest, water cube, I came!

When we arrived at the bird's nest water cube, the rain stopped and the humid air was very fresh. What a beautiful day! Far away, I saw water cube and the bird's nest relatively standing, excited to run past.

We first came to water cube. It has long been known that water cube exterior TEFE membranes can bring more natural light to the stadium. Most curious of all, these membranes are designed according to the arrangement of cells and the natural structure of soap bubbles, but this is an unprecedented innovation. I look at these “bubbles” in the sun shining a unique light, this but the Chinese designers of the wisdom of light!

Then we walked to the nest. The bird's nest is like a real bird's nest, the cradle of life, which is the people's expectation for tomorrow. In the bird's nest, a single piece of steel is woven into a pattern of eccentric and eccentric, and the unique shape is full of masculinity. We took a walk around the bird's nest and sat in the square enjoying the cool breeze.

We ended the day by watching wonderful acrobatics.


