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我叫___,___人,___大学___专业应届本科生,大学四年的本科课程以___为核心开展。我认真负责,吃苦耐劳,对生活充满热情,业余爱好:写作、篮球、羽毛球和旅行。为了感受东部的繁荣,__年暑假经历了南京、上海、杭州、厦门和深圳的东部之旅。 我选择___ 的理由:

1.___大学是一所历史悠久、学术氛围浓厚的学校,作为我国最著名的大学,她能为学生进一步成长提供广阔的发展空间。学生以求实创新而闻名海内外。___学系创始于1936年,历经 ___等老一代和在座各位老师一代代的传承发扬,已成为我国顶尖的___系。




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I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of __你的目标专业__ and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

OK, that’s all. Thank you very much. (360words)


Hello, Dear teacher ,my name is xxx,Thanks for giving me this chance to intrduce myself. It's a great honor.(开篇)

First I'd like to go over a little bit about myself , I'm a student  of industrail design in our school and participated in the excellent student program. I scored  xxx in this post graduate extrance examination.(介绍自己的分数之类,让老师初步有些印象)During the undergraduate period, I studied lots of different lessons. For example, design proformance, design management, product design...But basically all these are fundamental lessons.In this year, I'm trying to learn about data analysis,which will play an important role in my data research. And recently I am listening to a radio program-power radio. This radio is a group of students studying abroad to talk about the design of foreign knowledge and process what happens in the fun.(介绍自己大学生活以及爱好)

Moving on the reason why I want to study in our school. This is something I've been planning for a long time.(讲述为什么报考学校)

For the last two years, I've been thinking about thinking about work or going on studying, to thinking about what kind of person I want to be in the future, and what kind of thing I want kind of thing I want to do in the future. Finally, I found this. First, I love my major,iindustrial design plays an important part in our life. And it always connects and creats new things, which makes me very interested in it. And I wanna explore more deeply in industrial design. Next, I love the feeling in our university,it's full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere. Our school has a very good reputation and shows great respect for knowledge. Most importantly, the college of art and design has the most talented professors and most hard working students.So, Here I am.

That's all, thaks you for your attention. (结尾)


