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Conversation 1


Mr. Wang: Well, Mitzuko-san, I hope you like it here. This is my favourite restaurant in Taipei. It reminds me of my youth when I traveled around Europe.

Wang: 对了,Mitzuko小姐,希望你喜欢这里。这是我最喜欢的餐馆,它让我想起我年轻时在欧洲的旅游。

Mitzuko: It looks wonderful. Very authentic.

Mitzuko: 看起来很棒,就像真的欧洲餐厅一样。

Mr. Wang: The chef trained in Florence. The pasta is very good here.

Wang: 大厨是在佛罗伦萨学艺,这里的意大利面很好吃。

Mitzuko: OK. So, what can you recommend?

Mitzuko: 好。那你可以推荐一下吗?

Mr. Wang: Uhm…You should try the mushroom fettucine. It's really good.

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She: 1 was just thinking about someone I went to school with friendly with in third grade. We used to hang out together -- he lived next door --but then my parents moved and I changed schools and never saw him again.

He: Mmm.

She: Well, I was walking down Nan Jing Dong Lu (Nan-jing E. Rd.)during my lunch break thinking about this boy. I have no idea why I was thinking about him.

He: Really?

She: Yes, and suddenly I heard someone call my name. I turned around and there was this man looking at me. I didn't recognize him at all, but he obviously knew who t was.

He: Oh yeah, that's embarrassing when that happens.

She: You got it. Well, he walked up to me and said my name again and then I realized it was the boy I had been thinking about, the one from third grade!

He: Wow, that's weird!


