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The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr.Kent M.Keith似是而非的戒律 肯特.基思

1.People are illogical,unreasonable,and self-centered.Love them anyway.戒律一:人们往往会毫无逻辑,不可理喻,唯我独尊。但是不管怎样,还是要去爱他们。

2.If you do good,people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.Do good anyway.戒律二:如果你积极行善,有人会指责你别有用心、谋取私利。但是不管怎样,还是要积极行善。

3.If you are successful,you win false friends and true enemies.Succeed anyway.


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Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruder---but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that ”caused“ the break, but the lack of a real relationship.


On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a ”third party“. This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.


Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has ”come between“ oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others---they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill.


But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him--- and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home-breaker. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any ”third party" has appeared on the scene.



