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In life, we try every day; we are to succeed, taste of failure, through the heart of the rainy sky. Athletes, don't give up trying to defeat, regardless of whether or not, the important thing is that you dare to participate in the spirit, pay back the victory; regardless of whether to succeed, we will praise you, you forever are our pride.

…… 此处隐藏8747字 ……

发令枪响了 朝阳用金色的光华洗亮跑道, 五条琴弦上,少年选手的脚步, 正在弹奏生命奋发的和县。 看台上,鲜艳的旗帜,飘扬着我们的尊严。 掌声是潮起潮落的欢歌, 惊喜的目光里,盛满了对运动健儿的赞叹。 刹那间 跑道 看台 刹那间, 空气凝固了,时间被定格, 地球仿佛停止了转动。 刹那间,整个看台齐刷刷站满了人 刹那的寂静 之后是无边无际的沸腾, 在那一刹那,跑道上的人儿冲过了终点线, 下一个刹那,笑容在他脸上绽开, 那笑容包含着胜利的喜悦与苦涩, 他挥动着双臂…… 一切,就在那一刹那。 致全体运动员 风,吹不息我们的热情的火焰; 火,把我们的热情熔成志情的呐喊; 我们把呐喊串成一串, 串撑着一行行美丽的句点。 成功就在他们面前, 梦想也不再遥远。 伴着风前行, 背着梦冲向终点。 太阳的笑容挂在天边, 胜利的火炬将被他们点燃

Starting gun rang Sun with golden light washing Guanghua runway, 5 strings, the young player's footsteps, Are playing a hardworking life, and county. Stands, the bright banner flying over our dignity. Is the rise and fall of the song and the applause, Surprise eyes where filled with admiration for athletes. Instant Runway Stand Instant Air coagulation, and time is fixed grid, As if the earth stopped rotating. Suddenly, the entire grandstand Qi Shuashua jammed with people A moment of silence Immense followed by boiling, At that moment, people on the runway a few crossed the finish line, The next moment, a smile on his face blooming, That smile contains the joy of victory and the bitter, He waved his arms ... ... All, it was during that moment. To all the athletes The wind, blowing endless flame of our passion; Fire the enthusiasm of our situation cries melt into a blog; We strung together a bunch of cry, String insisted on the beautiful line by line in the end. Success is in front of them, Is no longer a distant dream. Accompanied by the wind before the line, Carrying a dream rushed finish. The sun's smile hanging in the horizon, Victory will be their torch lit



No applause interpretation, not deliberately to conquer, only sweat into the pace of the pursuit, my firm conviction, steady pace of the foot, with your actions tell a truth, no feet longer than the road, no more than one high mountain, in the hope that the end point of waving to you, hard! With your firm and indomitable Yi Zhi, to meet the end point of the flowers and applause, believe that success belongs to you.



Take a deep breath, waiting for you is a difficult 1500 meters. I believe that victory will belong to you. On this trip, you need the courage to face. We're rooting for you, if you hear my heart scream? Difficulties and victory are waving to you, go, go ah, do not hesitate. To beat them, go to the victory! Believe that you will give us a sweat smile!


