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欢迎大家来到洛阳,参加洛阳文明的发现之旅。我是您的导游员______,请允许我代表本旅行社及次辆旅游客 车司机师傅向诸位致以诚挚的敬意。

我们本次活动的主题是:访古老辉煌文明,创和谐灿烂生活。今天我们的旅游目的地就是 ? 黄河上最大的水利枢纽工程小浪底。

? 黄河小浪底位于洛阳市孟津县境内,是黄河中游的最后一个峡谷,属于典型的山岳河川峡谷景观,现在我 们的旅游车正位于洛阳市政广场,这里有 ,借此时间大家可以观看一下新洛阳风貌,我把洛阳的情况向大家作以简要介绍。

各位朋友们,现在我们的车已经驶出了洛阳市区,再过一会我们就可以看到我们的母亲河——黄河了。黄 河是我国的第二大河流,她发源于青藏高原的巴颜喀拉,流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、山西、陕西、河南、山东九省区,全长5464公里,呈几形流向,最终注入渤海。她流经黄土高原时携带了大量的泥沙,成为了全世界含沙量最高的河流,因此中下游水体呈黄色,故名黄河。黄河是中华民族的母亲河,她温柔美丽又波澜壮阔,她塑造了广大的华北平原,哺育了中华民族的血脉,孕育了数千年华夏文明,象征了中华民族的灵魂。那么今天就让我们依偎在黄河母亲的身旁去感受母亲的美丽与伟大。 ?

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The underground section is a tomb groups site which is about 7 meters underground. There are North and South Song Dynasties Hall, Wei and Jin Dynasties Hall, Tang and Song Dynasties Hall and a hall for refined items excavated from the tombs. Many of the vividly painted murals, valuable relics and a number of pottery figures are on display here. Visitors can also find the models of ancient tombs. 22 ancient tombs restored to their original styles are displayed here.

Luoyang Museum

Luoyang served as the capitals for a long period of time. History has left the place a large number of historical rare relics. Many of these rarely seem items can be found at the Luoyang Museum. The museum is located at the city center, very easy to find.

The museum's exhibition center displays refined ancient items including bronze wares, ceramics, gold and silver artifacts and jade. These exhibitions offer a good illustration of the city's grand past.

Luoyang Peony

Luoyang is renowned as: the city of peony. The city has long been famous for its beautiful peony flowers. Peony, has been called the King of Flowers for its gorgeous charm and unbelievably beauty. The Flower has been a symbol of grace in China. Ancient Chinese poets once compared peony with the beautiful and elegant ladies and thought the two were equally pleasant to the eye.

Luoyang has a long history of planting peony. Peony growing began to prevail in the region in the ancient Sui Dynasty, over one thousand years ago. In the Tang Dynasty, many famous gardens for peony were built and peony was planted on a massive scale. Luoyang became the country's peony cultivation and trade center in the Song Dynasty. Luoyang Peony is international famous for the Peony. Luoyang's unique climate is well suited to its peony growing culture. Luoyang is located in the temperate zone with favorable and humid climate all year around.

Luoyang peony is well-known for its big flowers and many varieties. Each year, in late spring when the peonies are in full blossom, thousands of visitors swarm to the city to enjoy the stunningly beautiful flowers. The international Peony Festival held here annually adds even more fame to Luoyang's peony.


